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xiamen biao power technology co., ltd.que se dedica a la I + D y la fabricación de grupos electrógenos diesel desde su establecimiento en 2012, ubicado en el parque industrial xiangan binyinu, zona económica especial de xiamen, con modernos talleres de producción estándar e instalaciones de oficinas, es un fabricante que integra diseño, investigación y desarrollo, producción y venta: motores, grupos electrógenos, grupos electrógenos a gas natural y ventiladores
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certificados honorables de ba power con licencia comercialba power productions se somete a las certificaciones iso8525, gb / t2820-97 y ce, y la calidad certificada por los sistemas de gestión iso9001 e iso14001 para garantizar productos y servicios de alta calidad. nuestros productos se aplican ampliamente a los campos enresisdential, comercial, mercado, eléctrico, alquiler,telecomunicaciones, ferrocarril, construcción, energía eléctrica, militar, fábricas, carreteras, petróleo, construcción naval, etc., y se exporta a países de todo el mundo.nuestras marcas de motores:perkins, cummins, doosan, mtu, ricardo, ukkms, ect.marcas de paneles de control: reino unido deepsea, czech comap, smartgennuestro soporte técnico: contamos con ingenieros y diseñadores profesionales que han estado trabajando en la industria de grupos electrógenos durante más de 10 años que pueden brindar una solución técnica rápida y efectiva a tiempo.nuestra garantía: proporcionamos un año o 1000 horas de funcionamiento, lo que ocurra primero como período estándar. y partes consumibles con filtros de aire, combustible, aceite lubricante incluidos, todas las fallas y daños debidos al mal funcionamiento o negligencia del manual de mantenimiento y operación están fuera del alcance de nuestra garantía.nuestros compromisos:Todos los productos han pasado la estricta prueba de fábrica antes del envío para garantizar la alta calidad.los términos de garantía de los productos se aplican estrictamente.línea de montaje y producción de alta eficiencia para garantizar la entrega a tiempo.se ofrecen servicios profesionales, oportunos, reflexivos y dedicados.Se suministran accesorios originales favorables y completos.Se imparte formación técnica periódica e irregular durante todo el año.El centro de servicio al cliente 24/7/365 brinda respuestas rápidas y efectivas debido a la demanda de servicio al cliente.
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la marca de energía ukkms gongtai se centra en el objetivo de "crear un proveedor de producción de grupos electrógenos de emergencia de clase mundial" y "reposicionar el mundo para que sea 'hecho en China'"
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  • Performance Standard For Governors On Engine Generator set
    PERFORMANCE STANDARD FOR GOVERNORS ON ENGINE GENERATOR SETS 1. SCOPE   This standard covers mechanical, hydraulic and electric governors used for controlling speed and/or loading of engine-driven generator systems. The system may involve a single unit or multiple units operating in parallel. It may serve as a prime or emergency standby power source. Operation may or may not be in conjunction with an external power bus.   2. REFERENCE STANDARDS.0 REFERENCE STANDARDS MIL.-STD.-705 B Frequency and voltage regulation, stability and transient response tests. IEEE 100—1988 Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronic terms. EGSA-101E—1984 Glossary of Standard Industry Terminology and Definitions, Electrical. EGSA-101M—1984 Glossary of Standard Industry Terminology and Definitions, Mechanical. EGSA-100M—1992 Performance Standard for Multiple Engine Generator Set Control Systems.   3. DEFINITIONS.0 DEFINITIONS   3.1 Speed Governing System.   A speed governing system consists of a speed governor and fuel metering device which controls the fuel supply to the engine. The speed governing system senses speed and perhaps load, and meters the engine fuel supply such that speed tends to remain constant or to vary with load in a predetermined manner.   3.1.1 Speed Governor. The speed governor includes those elements which are directly responsive to speed and/or load and which position or influence the action of a fuel metering device to maintain the operating speed. When operating in parallel with an independent power source such as the utility company, the governor will act to regulate load. 3.1.2 Fuel Metering Device. A fuel metering device is an element directly or indirectly positioned by the speed governor; e.g., variable displacement pumps, fuel metering pumps, carburetors and other devices that meter fuel into the combustion system. 3.1.2 Fuel Metering Device. A fuel metering device is an element directly or indirectly positioned by the speed governor; e.g., variable displacement pumps, fuel metering pumps, carburetors and other devices that meter fuel into the combustion system.  


    25 2024
  • Classification Methods For Generator Sets
    There are many classification methods for generator sets, which can be classified into high, medium, and low-speed units based on the rated speed of the engine; According to the rated power output of the unit, it can be divided into large, medium, and small units; According to the output voltage frequency of the generator set, it can be divided into AC generator set (intermediate frequency 400Hz, power frequency 50Hz) and DC generator set. When the voltage frequency is 50Hz, the calibration voltage of small and medium-sized generators is generally 400V (three-phase) or 230V (single-phase), and the calibration voltage of large generators is generally 6.3-10.5k/V. However, the more commonly used classification method is based on the type of fuel used in the internal combustion generator set, control mode, purpose, and appearance structure. (1) Classified by fuel type ① The rated output power of gasoline generator sets is generally relatively small, usually between 0.5 and 12kw; Most of its engines use single cylinder, air-cooled gasoline engines; The output voltage is mostly single-phase 220V, with a frequency of 50Hz; In a few special places, multi cylinder, water-cooled engines with intermediate frequency (400Hz) and two-phase (380V) outputs are also used; Gasoline generator sets have a series of advantages such as small size, light weight, relatively low noise, low price, and easy mobility. They are mainly used in general situations where the load power is small and temporary emergency power supply is required (such as independent storefronts facing the street, emergency lighting for temporary power outages on small construction sites, and night lighting for lack of electricity users). When the user's load power is greater than 6kw, it is recommended to prioritize the selection of corresponding models of diesel generator sets to increase the reliability of the power supply system. ② The production cost of diesel generator sets is higher than that of gasoline generator sets of the same power level, but their working stability is better than that of gasoline generator sets, so the application field of diesel generator sets is much wider than that of gasoline generator sets. The output power of diesel generator sets varies from 1kw to thousands of kilowatts, and the output voltage is mostly single-phase 220V/50Hz or three-phase 380v/50Hz. There are also a few high-power, high-voltage, grid connected diesel generator sets. Diesel generator sets are widely used in various fields such as industry, agriculture, and national defense, and have been widely recognized by users. (2) Classified by control method ① Manual units are the most common type of units, which have automatic voltage and speed adjustment functions. Operators can start, close, open, and stop the units on site in the machine room. This type of unit is usually used as a main or backup power source. ② The self starting unit is an automatic control system added to the manual unit. When the ...


    30 2024
    WINDING PROTECTION IS A KEY ISSUE WHEN USING GENERATOR SETS Generator system: •Anti-condensation space heaters • Coastal Insulation protection Alternators are of course affected by this issue, essentially due to their electromechanical nature, since they contain numerous components that can fail prematurely. In addition to the mechanical risk there is the risk of electrical malfunction. The primary purpose ofgenerator setsis to provide electric current quickly and autonomously, in situations and places where the main supply has failed. As a result, they are often faced with conditions of use that do not provide an optimum environment. Extreme temperatures, humidity, dust, etc. All these aggressors are likely to speed up ageing of the genset and its different components. Resistance to the weather and demanding conditions of use is therefore essential to ensure the longevity of a generator set. In practice, we can see that for low-voltage machines excluding AVRs, the main sources of breakdown are divided evenly between the different alternator components.  DEMANDING ENVIRONMENTS Environmental stress is usually classified according to four criteria: •Humidity is a problem because it is an electrical conductor. It is therefore likely to encourage the development of potential short-circuits. Moreover, moisture tends to accumulate in the bottom of the machine, where it mixes with dust and does even more damage to the windings   Dust and other particlesconstitute another hazard, as they cause mechanical abrasion of the varnish, which will gradually lead to a deterioration in its performance. Since air circulation is used for cooling inside the alternator, the presence of particles in the environment is particularly harmful   Corrosion, especially rust due to a saline environment, is usually a factor in the premature ageing of mechanical parts and windings. Alternators used in coastal areas or in an unprotected marine environment are particularly exposed to this risk. Corrosion can also cause the build-up of deposits that may interfere with machine operation.   •In certain cases or for certain applications, generator sets can be used in environments saturated inchemicals which pose a particularly high level of attack (acids, bases, alkali). Although this rarely happens, these situations must also be taken into account   APPLICATIONS CONCERNED Although it’s difficult to generalise, we can nonetheless draw up guidelines relating to the correlation between the application for which an alternator is used, its environment and hence the required protection level. The table below summarises these considerations.   (*) Possible derating according to voltage and alternator models for TAL range (refer to catalogue). (**) Depending on the production site, the fibreglass enamelled wire solution may be replaced by another process, for example, double application of ins...


    25 2024
tiene el compromiso de integrar tecnología avanzada en escenarios de aplicación práctica. la marca líder nacional de grupos electrógenos
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